So, last night we had two gatherings.
For the first, we had time only to drop in and run because we had weeks ago accepted a dinner invitation from May guests at Moogie's Mansion. It was good to have one last gathering of The Easter Group for this year (seven families with children of similar ages who have been getting together at Easter, then Christmas, then New Year's, then wedding and baby showers, and birthday parties since the eighties). Three of those families (including Moogie's) have scattered around the globe in the last decade.
Later we joined my junior/high school friend and her husband (who is only a few weeks out of surgery!) at their delightful home in Hillcrest for a new taste experience and companionship.
Shep grilled marinated lamb tenderloin. I've never had lamb tenderloin before. Oh. My. Word. I gotta find me some lamb tenderloins again SOON!!!
It was a delightful, relaxing evening without a food orgy, but food delights. And good company, learning about the sculptures created by our host from raw wood.
More food tomorrow -- after scrubbing, dusting, washing, unpacking, and sneezing (a lot!) at the construction project! There's a non-freight-train light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Happy New Year's Eve Eve!!
Friday Night Open Thread
2 hours ago