Nearly a week ago, whilst making the blogrounds, I discovered that my buddy in Oregon,
Innominatus, had deemed my little ol' Moogie's World worthy of the coveted Stylish Blogger Award! I've been beside myself with pride ever since, even though Inno won't tell me whether the award comes with a crown and whether I must travel to Oregon to acquire said crown.
So now, I step up to fulfill (most) of the prerequisites to donning the diadem of Stylish Blogs. The following is Inno's description of the prereqs:
Receiving this award comes with some conditions: I'm supposed to list 7 things about me, then list 15 good blogs I've recently encountered. Those 15 bloggers will then be eligible for this award, if they likewise mention those 7 things and list 15 good blogs. You can do the math... If each of those 15 cite 15 more and so on, that's 15n and n doesn't have to get very big before every last blog on earth has been mentioned. How unfortunate it'll be for that last very blogger to receive this award - the one who realizes that there are no more blogs out there left to forward this award to, and this whole thing has been nothing but a viciously darwinian way of determining who is the very LEAST stylish blogger in the world.
I'd better hurry before I become the least stylish blogger in the world.
Let's see. Seven things about me.
1. I like crowns.
2. I often like to boogie oogie oogie til I just can't boogie no more.
3. I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue.
4. I can be five feet in height if I stand up very straight and think tall thoughts.
5. One of my very, very least favorite places in the world is in a line at any U.S. Post Office. Or in a line most anywhere.
6. Football ranks highly among my religious dogmas.
7. Misused apostrophes may send me right over the edge someday, and the authorities will find me in a bell tower with a semi-automatic weapon and a copy of
Strunk & White's Elements of Style. (How very apropos to mention that likelihood here!)
There. First prereq done.
Next, to nominate some Stylish blogs I follow, some of which may have already been nominated, and most of which aren't particularly new to me. If that small diversion wrecks my chance at getting a crown, so be it. It'll save me a trip to Oregon where they apparently have some, um, "interesting"
city policies.
So, in no particular order, here goes:
Exiled in Portales. Buck's ruminations on most anything that crosses his mind. And beer. And cigars. And music.
My Voice on the Wings of Change. Namaste's rants about politics, race, and tennis. She tells it like it is.
MacBourne's Musings. Guns, politics, and the great outdoors. With a flair.
Lagniappe's Lair. A man, his dogs, their guns, and their adventures with popcorn, ice cream, and cats. And snow. Lots of snow.
Boogie's Blog. A young man in Mississippi weighs in on what's happening now. And other times.
Ack, Thbbt! Family and the stuff that happens.
Hillcrest Cottage Life. The Arts, the neighborhood, and family. And lots of uplifting thoughts.
A Blonde and a Brunette. Two women's views on the world of fashion, entertainment, and fun.
Look, A Baby Wolf! Just plain funny.
Bad Example. Ruminations of a funny guy. Sonmetimes with salty language.
Andy's Place. Andy's world and views from northern Louisiana. Plus, since this is at least his second nomination, he's gonna have to do lots of catching up! So, I guess I'll be kind and nominate
One Happy Dog Speaks instead. It's a good place to visit. You're off the hook, Andy.
Chicks on the Right. Two conservative women share their views, "because conservatism needs a makeover."
Bless Our Hearts. Southern Girl and The General offer observations and analyses of politics and government. Except they've been sadly neglecting this blog for
waaay too long.
Our Little World. A young couple's voyage though life with dogs and family.
As You Were. The adventures of one of the World's Oldest Second Lieutenants as he waltzes through the world of field artillery.
So now. Go visit these folks and tell them they are Award Winners (even if Ed McMahon isn't going to show up on their doorsteps). But, remind them that I am the only one to wear the crown! It's
mine, I tell you. With Style.