So. No roof. Then the rains came. Now there's a visqueen roof. Sorta. And another couple days' delay to dry out the sub-floor. And, one of the guys working to tie-in the new roof gable to existing roof stepped off the rafters and through the ceiling in two different rooms, a la Christmas Vacation. *sigh*
SIL#2 took granddog, Zeus, on a walk Wednesday afternoon. He had a "poop bag" sticking out of his pocket when Zeus decided it was time to "perform" on a neighbor's lawn. Before the first of the "performance" could hit the ground, hyper-zealous property-owner bounded out onto his front porch and asked, in a rather loud and accusatory tone of voice, "Hey! You need a bag for that?" gesturing towards Zeus and his by-product. SIL#2, with a rather puzzled look on his face, replied, as he pulled the bag the rest of the way out of his pocket, "No thanks. I've got it covered." Over-zealous, hyper-vigilant property-owner stood on the porch until SIL#2 was through policing up the by-product and heading back to the house with his feelings a little out-of-whack.
I suggested, "Next time, tell him, 'No, you can keep it, I don't need to take it with me. There's plenty more where that came from.'"
Moogie was feeling a little snippy that day.
Friday Night Open Thread
2 hours ago