Tuesday, September 1, 2009

World War II Veterans Honor Flights

Our Military Officers' Wives' Club Board of Directors met today. It looks like we're off to a great start.

My favorite of the projects we're set to tackle is to support three Honor Flights, in which WWII vets will be flown out of New Orleans, fed, and honored at the World War II Monument in Washington, D.C., at no expense to the vets. We'll enlist family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and anyone else who appreciates our Veterans, to decorate the airport and provide a "welcome home" for each of the Flights like no one has ever seen!

I can't wait! You can help, too -- check out the HonorFlight.org link above.

1 comment:

  1. What a great project this is. Our WW II vets are getting fewer and fewer with each passing day; it's a great good thing to honor them while we can.
