Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Will!

Nine years and some hours ago, at roughly 3:00 in the morning, my phone rang. I was let in on the joyous news that William Steele Paulson had successfully entered this world.

I cried, of course.

Then I called Pepper.

This was in the middle of our long-distance romance; he and Wendy were in New Orleans and Rosie and I were still in the apartment in Little Rock.

We talked until 5:00. We talked about our past, our future, and how the future of everyone in our extended family was somehow suddenly and miraculously brightened. It's simply unimaginable -- the effect of one simple birth.

Happy Birthday, Will! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely a bright star in the sky. Great kid, great friend. I just checked him out of school to go see Inkheart. Fun movie!
