Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G. Breyer, Samuel A. Alito, and Elena Kagan. Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, Chief Justice John G. Roberts,
Anthony Kennedy, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
In light of the White House tragedy that befell our country yesterday, the most important mission will be to urge the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court to eat their Wheaties and take their vitamins so that His Eminence won't have the opportunity to appoint another one.
Or, at least urge about five of them.
Yeah boy.
ReplyDeleteI've always wished The Supremes well... but now?
ReplyDeleteMore so than EVER.
No kidding!
ReplyDeletei will pray no one wakes up dead over the next four years :)
ReplyDeleteGood idea, Maria!
ReplyDeleteI've been blogging for over a year: 2012 IS ABOUT THE JUDGES........ four of 'em born in the 30's - Obama could get FOUR MORE APPOINTMENTS! We would never survive that.... never. Yes... pray for them, especially Scalia
ReplyDeleteMoogie - Something you said in a comment over at Buck's place caught my eye. You said something along the lines of "they only gave us three minutes to vote..."
ReplyDeleteSeriously? You had TIME LIMIT imposed on you? That sounds bizarre. If so, where was it (if you don't mind my asking.)
Sully -- in New Orleans. I had familiarized myself with the ballot, but they did rush the person ahead of me.
ReplyDeleteWith ya,
ReplyDeleteWe had something like 12 proposed Constitutional amendments, and a bunch of folks didn't bother to read them beforehand. Waaay too much stuff on the ballot.
ReplyDeleteThanks! There must be some better way. I'm all for folks being able to vote on stuff like that, rather than leaving it to the legislature, but I'm thinking some version of voting electronically would help? Then you have to wonder about honesty more, I guess. Tough one.