Tuesday, April 14, 2009

T-Day, Minus 1

There are now 16 confirmed Tax Day Tea Parties scheduled around Louisiana!

Tiedye Judy has some great pre-Tax Day Tea Party ruminations on her blog HERE. My favorite is her idea to call Congress and the White House from your TEA Party to "share the wealth" of support out there for smaller, smarter government. A great idea, no? The phone number for Congress is 202-224-3121 and the White House is 202-456-1414.

I've come up with a few protest sign slogans. We've been advised to keep the signs relevant and family-friendly. One of mine treads the line, but I live in New Orleans, for crying out loud! We'll see if I take it along or not. How do you vote?

"Turn ON the Lights, the (political) Parties are OVER"

"The Tenth Amendment Rocks!"

"Size DOES Matter -- re: Government, Smaller is Better!"

Yesterday's Times-Picayune ran a nice article about our TEA Party tomorrow. The posts on the e-version are predictably volatile; most of the againsters are typically clueless about the purpose of these protests, choosing to Bush-bash rather than accept the fact that D.C. is out of control.

My purpose is to be part of a message -- a mass message -- to our federal government, enlightening our elected officials that our Constitution and our very form of government are being transformed, at breakneck speed, into European statism. And we will not stand for it.

I will not stand idly by as Congress enacts Bills of Attainder, using the Tax Code to punish a small group of American citizens. I will not stand idly by as both Democrats and Republicans race like giggling schoolchildren to enact a behemoth spending Bill that has already mortgaged our children's future. I will not stand idly by as medical decisions are removed from my hands and the hands of my personal physicians, only to be given to a bureau of the federal government. I will not stand idly by watching the first step in the demise of the secret ballot while American workers have no choice but to submit to union goon thuggery, and more jobs pour out of the country. I will not stand idly by as the federal government wrests more and more control over education from the states. I will not stand idly by as volunteerism is corrupted into nothing more than government service. I will not stand idly by as the Second Amendment is shot full of holes.

I will not stand idly by and merely observe as my Republic erodes into an intrusive nanny state.

The Tenth Amendment still lives -- let's pump a little life into it before the federal government suffocates it.


  1. I like all three slogans... what's NOT to like? I hope you had fun today and look forward to your post tomorrow, Moogie.

  2. sooooooooooooo, did you have a great time?!? i worked for over three hours on my post this morning and even crossposted it - and another blogger picked up on it! big day - big day for tea partiers, moogiep!

  3. It was absolutely breathtaking!

  4. I think the American public is coming out of our collective coma, and we're pissed off! It's a good thing...
