Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chatting with my buddy, Senator Mary Landrieu

E-mailed to Senator Mary Landrieu (and Rep. Cao) today:

Re: the proposed budget and your mention in today's
Times-Picayune: Keep thinking no. The proposed budget is so bloated
and underfunded that it could literally break us for generations.
Taxpayers are tired of our government treating us like cash cows; we're more
like the goose that laid the golden eggs. Remember what happened to
her? That's how we have felt since the first blunderbuss, catastrophic
economic stimulus package and it's getting worse.

Please. No. Cuts must be made. Period.

Taxpayer Tea Parties, April 15th, all over your state. Check it

P.S. -- the GIVE/SHARE Kennedy Act is a mistake. In trying to
"help" people volunteer, you've undercut the substance of volunteerism, at the
very least (listen to Sen. DeMint). Shame on you all for rushing this
through before adequate debate. Additionally, The Congressional Commission
of Civic Service Act creates the opportunity to do more harm to American society
than we've seen since the days of slavery. Remember the 13th Amendment
before you vote.

The tone of my communications with our elected officials remains civil, but I hope I'm conveying my growing sense of urgency that the country is going to hell in a handbasket at warp speed. Across the board.

1 comment:

  1. Does Landrieu (or someone on her staff) ever send a meaningful reply? All I ever get from MY congresscritters is a boilerplate response saying "Thank you for your recent communication..." yadda, yadda.
