Ok, my new plan is to correspond with Washington every couple of weeks to keep reminding them that we're the boss. They need my input, so I'm gonna let 'em have it (Harry Reid and Young President Obama will receive the same letter, as tailored for their positions). Please consider doing the same, or at least come visit me after they throw me under the prison.
This was placed in snail mail today:
April 18, 2009
Dear Speaker Pelosi:
I am a taxpayer in both Arkansas and Louisiana, registered as an Independent voter. You are the leader of my House of Representatives, so I am writing to let you know that I was a participant in the Grassroots 2009 Tax Day Tea Party in New Orleans -- a participant with a purpose.
My purpose was to be part of a message -- a mass message -- to our federal government, enlightening our elected officials that our Constitution is being ignored and our very form of government is being transformed, at breakneck speed, into European statism. Congress should be aware that We, The People, will campaign our hearts out against politicians who fail to listen to, comprehend, and support our message.
I will no longer stand idly by as Congress enacts Bills of Attainder, using the Tax Code to punish a small group of American citizens. I will no longer stand idly by as both Democrats and Republicans race like giggling schoolchildren to enact behemoth spending and budgetary bills that have already mortgaged our grandchildren's future. I will no longer stand idly by as medical decisions are removed from my hands and the hands of my private physicians and turned over to a bureau of the federal government. I will no longer stand idly by watching the first step in the demise of the secret ballot while American workers have no choice but to submit to union thuggery, and more jobs pour out of the country. I will no longer stand idly by as the federal government wrests more and more control over education from the states. I will no longer stand idly by as volunteerism is corrupted into nothing more than government service. I will no longer stand idly by as the Second Amendment is shot full of holes. Ill-conceived and uncontrolled spending will earn my wrath.
I will no longer stand idly by and merely observe as my Republic devolves into an intrusive nanny state, and I certainly will not tolerate a Speaker who dismissively talks down her nose about me. The Tenth Amendment is alive.
I will actively campaign against any Member of Congress who attempts to usurp the power reserved to the states by the U.S. Constitution. I will actively campaign against any Member of Congress who continues to vote on important legislation without adequate study and debate. I will actively campaign against any Member of Congress who continues to ignore the will of her constituency. I will so campaign through the sweat of my brow and the depth of my pocketbook.
On April 15th the world bore witness that I am not alone.
Terry C. Paulson, J.D. (Mrs. W. A.)
Let's see just how long it takes them to invite me to tour Gitmo.