Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Magical Day in New Orleans

Today is the second day of Carnival parades on the Uptown route, the day after my Big Girl's birthday (the last of her 20s, I might add -- she's "aged" well!), the day before the Black and Gold Super "Beauxl," and election day in New Orleans.

This is the day we get to prepare to bid adieu to our "colorful" Mayor, C. Ray Nagin.

Soon he will be C. Ray Nay-gone!

See ya, C. Ray!

And there's more to come . . . stay tuned.

A rather magical day, n'cest pas?

1 comment:

  1. Moogie, big doings in the Big Easy for sure. I'm an old fart that would stay hid inside.

    Looks like y'all are gonna get Mitch (the sharpest of the crowd in my book) to replace G.D. Greyhound Nagin.

    Well, you could do worse. Obviously.

    Good luck on the game tomorrow. If y'all win, it'll be pandelerium. If y'all lose, it probably still will be.
