I'm going to be lazy today -- copying and pasting a Facebook post about big adventures at Moogie's Manor last night. There's no telling what the background color will look like, so just pretend it's light blue:
We had quite the adventure last night! As Pep stepped out the front door to walk the dogs, I heard a strange noise and turned to see a little Nuthatch smacking repeatedly into the breakfast room window. From the inside! Bear in mind, it was well after dark -- who knows how long he had been in the house, or how he got in! I called for Pepper and he left the leashed dogs on the front porch to join the hunt. We finally trapped him in the laundry room, but he flapped behind the dryer. Pep used the pictured "bird-hunting tool" to chase him out while I opened the side door to the deck, and the poor little guy safely made his escape. When we opened the front door to go search for the dogs, there they were, sitting on the porch, staring at the door, quizzically, and really happy to see us. Ahhh, the fun never stops!

Don't you love the fishing net? Heh.
But now, I think the little bird was a Wren instead of a Nuthatch.
The dogs were really funny. They had the most puzzled looks on their faces!
And I'm really, really happy that he made it safely outside. You remember what having a bird in the house means.
I'm afraid to leave the door open now.