It looks like we're in for a nice, long spring, with not as much heat and humidity in southeast Louisiana -- Pierre C. Shadeaux didn't see his shadow this morning!
The absence of a rodent shadow is much better than in 2011 when Punxatawney Phil and Pierre had differing experiences and we had a miserable summer.
In the next few hours, we have to decide if we want to hop the streetcar and descend into the madness that has become downtown New Orleans on the Saturday before Super Bowl; driving the car and finding a parking place are out of the question. I think I vote "no."
Our puppy, Roux's Mystic Muse ("Mysti"), is up to 29 pounds. She's long, lean, and fearless. Bouie had some follow-up blood work done this week and he got a clean bill of health! The infection has even cleared up! It's so good to see our boy feeling good and back to his old precious self.
Since we're having this Super Bowl thing here (without the Saints, so who cares?), Carnival parades in Orleans Parish were divided this year -- we started last weekend, a week early, and the second week of parades rolls starting this coming Wednesday. Think happy thoughts for good weather!
Speaking of the Super Bowl, NFL Commissioner Roger Gooddell (aka, Satan) is actually planning to set foot in New Orleans! If I were him, I'd wear a flak jacket and bring a food taster. Of course, there might not even be a need for a food taster -- there are signs like this posted in food establishments all over town:

Perhaps he should pack a supply of MREs. Or just starve to death in a city known for its cuisine.
The President now claims to be a skeet shooter, and to verify said claim, the spin factory in the White House released this photo today:

My first reaction -- he even shoots like a girl. Second thought? Photo shop. Next? He needs to do a little work on those arms with Michelle's personal trainer. And what's up with that plume heading off to the right? But after seeing with my own eyes evidence of what a gun-toting sportsman the Young President is, I feel certain, and secure in the knowledge, that he would do nothing to jeopardize the Second Amendment.
When hell freezes over.
They must really think we're that naive. Egad.